Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Quad : 2008 750 Kingquad

ATVSource.com links to a preview and specs for the newest King - click the pic to check it

Monday, February 25, 2008

Report and Photos : Eshowe Round Table 24 Family Fun Day for Bikes and Quads

It was great to see such a wonderful turnout again. I really appreciate it and continuously try and improve on what I deliver to my hard-core supporters, thank you.

The day kicked of with 84 entries, with a fast, marked track of 30 km. Some people were quite happy to stop and smell the roses, other were flying around that track like (what’s that Curtis okes name again?)

Only two injuries, with the worst being a collarbone and that of Bradley Clack. I have been in contact with his parents and he is doing fine. Must be that move from the 85cc to the 125cc, we wish Bradley a speedy recovery and hope to see him at one of our events soon.

R5500 worth of prizes were handed out, with Ride High of Empangeni being the main sponsor. We would also like to thank all the other sponsors, Pick & Pay Eshowe, Brockwell Engineering, Wynnes Zululand, Playas Sports and Leisure, Zululand Fever.

The farmers need a huge thanx from all of us and they were, the Cadman family, the Abrahams family, the Lee family, the Emberton family the Chennells family and the Steenberg families.

Almost everyone got a prize, but the main ones were;

  • R500 Gavin Carey for the biggest dump of the day
  • R500 Gerrit Zaayman for the best show off
  • Oldest Competitor Tony Gray
  • Youngest competitor Calvin Hume
  • Sexiest competitor of the day, Gerrit Zaayman, adjudicated by a group of blind woman, they could only go by feel

Cheers and see you at my next event, miss it at your own peril.

Submitted by Peter H (ZBA Racing)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Article : Quad that can ride on Water !

Yup, it's the famous Quadski - I nearly thought it was an urban legend, but, thanks to ATVSource.com, clicking the pic will get you the low-down....

Article : Turn Your ATV Into a Monster

Courtesy of ATVSource.com, this article details the conversion of a Yamaha 660 Grizzly into a Monster, with the installation of a Gorilla High-Lift suspension kit....click.the.pic.....

Ride Report : 4 provinces in 1 day!!!!

paulb and KfxNando from Chatquads Forum did this round trip of 658kms in a day on an Outlander 800 and a Kawa Brute Force 750 - read all about it, by clicking on the pic of their mammoth route....

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ride Report: Umpleby Suzuki Outride in Ging - Sunday 17 Feb 08

Ride Plan -

Engage with "Coastal Outdoor Adventures" for an outride which would take us from Ging to surrounding areas including a river crossing some hill climbs and a route close to the coastline. Its a 3 to 4hr ride which included stops for refreshments.

15 rider's in total made up of 5x bikes and 10 quads. Our guide was organiser Gerald Souchon.

06h00 - Early departure from Richards Bay where we (JJ, Eddy and Pathfinder) gathered at the local filling station.

The road from Richards Bay was quiet at that time of Sunday morning, so we made good time to Ging, arriving there just before 7AM

After some introductions and light chatter about previous rides, Gerald briefed the riders about the route and some safety precautions.

Some final checks to the bikes.

The ride leaves the resort and climbs to the top of the first hill which leads down to the river 150 meters below.

The impressive views from this point set the scene for the rest of the ride.

The trail is interrupted with occasional wash away and boulders.

The occational wet ditch is negotiated.
(and we spared a thought for Warthog!)

The route leads to the river crossing. Here, the riders are reminded by Gerald to shift the weight to the back of the bike and try not to spin the wheels as that will cause the bike to bog down.

Either way, some of the bikes managed to find themselves deep in the sand and water. While these were man handled out the 'Cam-Am's' took the opportunity to make it all look so easy.....

Once on the other side it was time to let the water out of the boots and have some fun in the loose sand before heading off again.

A short stop for a smoke and refreshments while some previous trail experiences were discussed.

Des and Gerald lead the riders through the trail.

One of the high point beacons overlooking the sea below.

The trail boasts some spectacular views of the hills and the coast

The occasional wash away allows the riders to play. Here JJ puts the Can-Am through it's paces.

After a short stop at the local shop for refreshments, the group are lead down to the river again where we take a much needed stop in the shade under the bridge of the N2 freeway.

Gerald takes a dip to cool off. From here on its back through the river and up the hill back home. Gerald then led the 2 wheelers off for a short ride before returning to the resort.

Back at the resort the riders share some of the events and enjoy a light meal and refreshments.


The ride is about 50 km and takes about 4 hours including stops. The route takes you through varying terrain including grassy hills, river crossings, forests, some gravel straights which generate huge amounts of dust.
These were fortunately kept to a minimum.

Some serious hill climbs which some of the quads opted to by-pass as they require some experience to ascend.

The group leaders Des and Gerald have clearly done this many times and have organised the ride to cater for experienced and the not-so-experienced.

Ride Learning’s
You are in the sun for 3 to 4 hours, take enough refreshments with. Next time I will take 2 litres minimum.
(MY standard is 1 litre per hour of exposure....that would make 3 to 4 litres, even with my funny maths!! Ed)

Dust on the gravel sections is challenging and as usual we had to open the gap between the riders in those sections.

The ride is geared for medium to well experienced riders. One of the first time riders became dehydrated and suffered fatigue. This could become a safety problem as the route has some steep narrow sections. None-the-less, he made it to the end with some assistance and coaching from other riders.

All in all, this was one of the best rides I have done and it will be on my 'to do' ride list in the near future.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Photos : Mud Sunday at the Quarry - 10 Feb 08

After the recent rains in the area, who could miss an opportunity to play in the mud

The HQ with shade & refreshments was set up by Sergio

More and more bikes rolled in....

Soon the kids were having fun getting stuck while dad's were kept busy with recoveries.

The water seemed to become an attraction.

From the top of the hill climb the there is a great view of the bowl.

As always the Can-Ams were showning how its done.

"Dad, this is so kool..."

More recoveries. All in all it was lots of mud and lots of fun.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Advert : Action Helmet Camera

The helmet cam I am after - the ATC2000K, made by Oregon Scientific....is reportedly a fantastic piece of kit, for the price....

Gear Review : Top 10 GPS units for your car

Stuff magazine, which just launched recently in SA, features the Top 10 GPS units, for your vehicle....though the prices are in GBP, and the models may not yet be available on our shores, it gives you the leaderboard, with Tom Tom, and NOT GARMIN, right on top!

Article : Race-Ready KTM quads are here!

Click the pic to check out QUAD magazine's write up on the new KTM 450 and 525 race-ready sport quads....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Article : Pimp my (Sport Quad) Ride

Click the pic to access a fantastic article on aftermarket mod testing, for some of the most popular sport quads, including the Yamaha trinity of Banshee, Raptor 700 and YFZ450....this piece is, as always, brought to you with the courtesy of QUAD magazine....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ride report : Flat Rocks Night Ride

The original plan was to ride after work to Jolly Rubino. Time constraints soon prevailed and we opted to settle for a slightly shorter destination - Flat Rocks, commonly referred to as "Nyogies"

Ride distance was planned as 120 km there and back, returning just after sunset.

There were 9 riders (4 ladies) and 8 bikes in all.

Some pre checks to the kit and bikes

We gathered at the entrance to the forest and waited for the other half of the team to arrive.

Soon the team was complete and we were on our way albeit at 16h00.

Shortly after we crossed the RBM road, a flat tyre gave us a chance to have a break with refreshments of course...

Ladies share a few moments for the forest section

Victor makes the repair look so easy... and we are away...

Almost... time for more stories and refreshments. No one is worried about the time at this stage...

Another stop, this time close to the half way point. Ulande is clearly having fun.

Do I hear "... we must definitely do this more often...." ?
...the guys are only too keen.

The RBM dam marks the point at which we climb the sand dune before descending down to the beach. Its already 18h00 and we have about 8 km to still cover, to the halfway stop.

Some ducks on the pond

All geared up and ready for the last leg

We arive, just as the sun begins to set

This is what the ride is all about. Cool sea air and blue water

Some beers were dished out and the planning of the next ride debated.

Ulande takes a stroll on the beach while we wait for the braai to simmer.

Priceless view of the sea

Victor turns the B_Wors on the fire

The ladies have their moments to share

Time for a short rest before the return trip. Its now about 19h00 and we still have 60 km off road to get back

A short stop in the last leg of the forst before we say cheers to everyone. The next trip is on the cards. Will it be next Friday?? watch this space..

Learnings from the trip:
The distance covered was 110km.
To include a quick braai and return- you need at least 5 hrs.
Always add in some time for the stops on the way.

Night driving= Place one of the experienced riders who knows the route in front. With the dust and the head lights its not easy to see the road so watch the tail light in front for sudden movement suggesting a hole. Stay fairly closely packed and reduce speed. Each rider watch for the person behind so that no one falls behind.

We carried a pair of Motorola 2 way radios. The helmets were fitted with microphone and ear pieces. This was really handy when Bruno ran out of fuel and he was able to flag us immediately.

Watch the blog for the next planned night ride.