Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Report and Photos : Eshowe Round Table 24 Family Fun Day for Bikes and Quads

It was great to see such a wonderful turnout again. I really appreciate it and continuously try and improve on what I deliver to my hard-core supporters, thank you.
The day kicked of with 84 entries, with a fast, marked track of 30 km. Some people were quite happy to stop and smell the roses, other were flying around that track like (what’s that Curtis okes name again?)
Only two injuries, with the worst being a collarbone and that of Bradley Clack. I have been in contact with his parents and he is doing fine. Must be that move from the 85cc to the 125cc, we wish Bradley a speedy recovery and hope to see him at one of our events soon.
R5500 worth of prizes were handed out, with Ride High of Empangeni being the main sponsor. We would also like to thank all the other sponsors, Pick & Pay Eshowe, Brockwell Engineering, Wynnes Zululand, Playas Sports and Leisure, Zululand Fever.
The farmers need a huge thanx from all of us and they were, the Cadman family, the Abrahams family, the Lee family, the Emberton family the Chennells family and the Steenberg families.
Almost everyone got a prize, but the main ones were;
- R500 Gavin Carey for the biggest dump of the day
- R500 Gerrit Zaayman for the best show off
- Oldest Competitor Tony Gray
- Youngest competitor Calvin Hume
- Sexiest competitor of the day, Gerrit Zaayman, adjudicated by a group of blind woman, they could only go by feel
Cheers and see you at my next event, miss it at your own peril.
Submitted by Peter H (ZBA Racing)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Article : Quad that can ride on Water !
Article : Turn Your ATV Into a Monster

Ride Report : 4 provinces in 1 day!!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ride Report: Umpleby Suzuki Outride in Ging - Sunday 17 Feb 08
Engage with "Coastal Outdoor Adventures" for an outride which would take us from Ging to surrounding areas including a river crossing some hill climbs and a route close to the coastline. Its a 3 to 4hr ride which included stops for refreshments.
15 rider's in total made up of 5x bikes and 10 quads. Our guide was organiser Gerald Souchon.

The road from Richards Bay was quiet at that time of Sunday morning, so we made good time to Ging, arriving there just before 7AM

After some introductions and light chatter about previous rides, Gerald briefed the riders about the route and some safety precautions.

Once on the other side it was time to let the water out of the boots and have some fun in the loose sand before heading off again.

The ride is about 50 km and takes about 4 hours including stops. The route takes you through varying terrain including grassy hills, river crossings, forests, some gravel straights which generate huge amounts of dust.
These were fortunately kept to a minimum.
Some serious hill climbs which some of the quads opted to by-pass as they require some experience to ascend.
The group leaders Des and Gerald have clearly done this many times and have organised the ride to cater for experienced and the not-so-experienced.
Ride Learning’s
You are in the sun for 3 to 4 hours, take enough refreshments with. Next time I will take 2 litres minimum.
(MY standard is 1 litre per hour of exposure....that would make 3 to 4 litres, even with my funny maths!! Ed)
Dust on the gravel sections is challenging and as usual we had to open the gap between the riders in those sections.
The ride is geared for medium to well experienced riders. One of the first time riders became dehydrated and suffered fatigue. This could become a safety problem as the route has some steep narrow sections. None-the-less, he made it to the end with some assistance and coaching from other riders.
All in all, this was one of the best rides I have done and it will be on my 'to do' ride list in the near future.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Advert : Action Helmet Camera
Gear Review : Top 10 GPS units for your car
Article : Race-Ready KTM quads are here!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Article : Pimp my (Sport Quad) Ride
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Ride report : Flat Rocks Night Ride
Ride distance was planned as 120 km there and back, returning just after sunset.
There were 9 riders (4 ladies) and 8 bikes in all.

...the guys are only too keen.
Learnings from the trip:
To include a quick braai and return- you need at least 5 hrs.
We carried a pair of Motorola 2 way radios. The helmets were fitted with microphone and ear pieces. This was really handy when Bruno ran out of fuel and he was able to flag us immediately.
Watch the blog for the next planned night ride.