Checking my gmail archives, I noted that I had first contacted Gerald Souchon almost a year ago, to try and attend one of his guided rides in the Amatikulu/Gingingdlovu area - a social ride arranged by Grant Umpleby Suzuki provided this opportunity.
After half our group cancelled on us on the morning of the ride, it turned out to be Vimal and myself making the trip down in the pelting rain.

The trip to
Coastal Outdoor Adventures in Gingingdlovu took us about an hour from Richards Bay, and though it rained all the way, I was POSITIVE that the weather was going to clear in time for the ride, and I was NOT WRONG!
After getting the bakkie and trailer stuck in the mud on the approach to the parking area, I needed to enlist the towing services of Big Al's Vinson 500...

I found this picture funny, but wifey didn't - I wonder why....

Cowboy and George, getting revved up to ride - their first real ride since their epic Q4Q 2007 : they did both directions !
It was Cowboy's 13th birthday weekend, and George was keen to celebrate by taking him on a grand ride, with great company - I think the youngster was not disappointed.

In the Amatikulu : some of the sport quads needed some serious rescuing - fortunately, the King was on hand....we fished out at least 3 LTZ 400s in short order!

Nearly surfing his own bow wave, George's Outlaw cruised through the river like a jetski....I always knew those North American quads were good for SOMETHING!

All muddy smiles - with the sea as our backdrop on our last smoke break, we were all cheery just before the final stretch to the finish of a great ride through wonderful scenery and varied terrain. Thanks to Gerald and Desiree - we will certainly be back to ride with you in your area, SOON!
Check out the link on the right, for access to their webpage which has all their contact and facility details...
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