Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thank MUD it's Friday!

Another Friday, after some midweek rains, and another chance to get down and dirty in Zululand!

Mitch brought some of his family with, to try out the quad experience

After much cajoling, they got onboard and were ALL hooked!

Some action shots of Dino Dad, for a change...

Warthog, in his element, trying to catch the photographer with a spray of mud

DD, showing Sivashni the controls on the Trailblazer - she also had a blast, and will be back, I'm sure!


Bruno Zanette said...

All I can say is that quads are like bugs once you got it,you are hooked. Whatch this space !!

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Warthog's tha man! I'm sure he's evil kanevil in disguise?