Q4Q fund raiser 2007; Ballito to Jo-Burg
From Kobus, JJ, Linda, Eddie and our back up team Kobie & Sylia……a short summary of events, not that one can really put it into words.
Day 1
We started off with just over 350 fellow quadders, with Kobus on a Yamaha 700 Raptor, JJ on a Can-am 800 Outlander Max, Linda on a Kawasaki KFX700 and Eddie also on a Can-am 800 Outlander Max.
We started from Ballito with a mighty roar of quad bike engines and pounding hearts. The journey took us through sugarcane fields, waving people in rural communities and dirt roads. The scenery along the route was at places breathtaking and, yet again, we realised that we live in a paradise.
We arrived at a little town called Weenen, very tired, but relieved to be in one piece. At our arrival our backup team had already set up camp and received us with big friendly smiles. The only draw back was that the land the organisers rented, was a farmers cattle grazing field. The smell of cow poo was ever-present, but eventually we got used to the smell. After a hard day of riding we did not last long before turning in for a good night's sleep.
Day 2
We woke up with body pains in places we didn't know we had! It rained the night before and everybody was happy for the relief from dust. Our trail led us through more beautiful landscape with hills and dongas everywhere, reaching speeds of up to 110km/h on dirt road sections. As we sped along we were filled with thrills of the roaring, vibrating quads, wind howling through our helmets and the sound of rubber tires singing on the loose gravel. At all times, every muscle in our bodies were tense and tested to breaking point.
Our first refuelling point was in a small town called Wasbank, between Ladysmith and Newcastle. Our backups got lost and we missed them as there was some confusion about road explanations. The trail led us via the back roads west of Newcastle alongside the Drakensburg mountain range. We have seen the most beautiful scenery imaginable. We realised that if it were not for quads, we would never have had so many views and experiences in one day.
Arriving at Majuba lodge in Newcastle that evening at about 15h30, tired and dirty, we were filled with mixed feelings. We wished for the tiresome journey to pass and on the other hand, to continue unending. It’s not so easy to enjoy something so nice but yet so hard and tiresome.
Again, our backup’s already put up camp, ready for us to settle down (they, our backup, were excellent)
The auction held at Majuba lodge that evening raised R42 000 for QASA.
Our experience for the day was very overwhelming and our tense muscles was still in shock as we went to sleep.
Day 3
We left Newcastle at about nine on a very dusty trail. The trail led us through Amajuba pass on the old railway line route. Fortunately we crossed some hills through very old tunnels with water dripping through their roof. One asks one's self, how many people are ever privileged to get to see this or know about the existence of some of these beautiful spots. As for the quadriplegics participating with us, what an experience it must be for them!!!
Our next refuelling spot was at Volksrust and then we took to the railway lines. From Volksrust our trail was quite boring, travelling all the way next to the lines. The only thrill was to enjoy the power of our quads between our legs. We reached Standerton at about three, dusty and tired. The air filters of the quads were blocked with dust and had to be cleaned.
We stayed at the Standerton Primary school, pitched our tents on the school grounds and soon after our meal we ducked into bed.
Day 4
With the dawning of a new riding day,some bad luck struck us… Patches (Linda’s quad) refused to start. We almost burnt the starter but with much effort, Patches coughed and sputtered, and roared back to life, much to Linda's delight.
Our trail for our last day was mixed between boring dirt roads and railway lines. Luckily we had more rain the night before so the dust was not too hectic for the first half of our journey. At our refuelling point in Amersfoort, Patches refused to start again and so we loaded her onto the trailer.
Linda completed the last 100km as a pillion on one of the Outlanders. After some fooling around in a mud ditch at Nigel, we assembled for the mass ride about 2 kays before the end to arrive at Thunder Valley just after 14h00.
The event raised a total of R1.1 million and 50 wheelchairs for the quadriplegic association. We felt very proud to be part of such a noble fundraising drive. The quadriplegics not only attended the final hand out but also participated in the event itself, strapped to quad bikes, riding them like hell...over all of the 920km....
Lastly… this was one helluva fund raiser! ! ! ! Not to be forgotten lightly and sure to be repeated next year. For the Q4Q organiser’s we rated them 10 out of 10, their planning was absolutely good.
Until next year!
Kobus, JJ, Linda, Eddie, & 1st-class back-ups Kobie & Sylvia
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