Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kodiak Guy and Warthog do Hlabane Lake - 12 Jan 2008

Having recently acquired his latest toy, a 2006 Kodiak 400 4x4, Mitch has been seen riding all the backroads and forest tracks within a 50 kay radius of Richards Bay.

He, and Warthog, who had been laid off with a self-inflicted ear injury for the past 2 months and had thus been suffering from withdrawal symptoms, joined up with Sergio, Denver and gang on an explorative jaunt to Lake Hlabane...

Ride plan - Coastal dune forest areas until the lake then attempt to navigate the western bank of the lake.

Participants : 10x riders on various bikes, including 2 spanking new Can-Am Outlanders.

The route to the lake was interrupted with frequent stops for refreshments. One of the stops included some fun in the 'Bowl'.

Sergio, on his trusty and kitchen sink-carrying Kymco MXU 300

Arriving at the lake was celebrated with Sergio preparing scrambled egg and bacon rolls

Limited Edition Can-Am 800 Outlander MAX XT!!!!

This was Denver Speed, getting his YFZ450 bogged down....

The route then took the team through an informal settlement to the lake side where the ride slowed considerably.The route was interrupted with numerous tree stumps, logs swamps and banks.

The 2WD quads were frequently man-handled over and around the obstacles.

At one stream-crossing, only 3 of the bikes were dragged across, semi submerged. The rest of the team took the opportunity to ride around the stream.

The going was slow, hot and after 3 hours 3 riders needed to head back as it was 13h00 and were only half way.

The rest of the team pushed on and returned home shortly before dark with complaints of sore butts.

General comments on the trip:

The dune forest section- will do it again.
The lake - count me and most others out.... I need to feel the breeze.

submitted by Kodiak Guy, with photos from his Nokia N95 and Warthog's digital cam. More pics can be found in our online photo albums

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know almost nothing about Quad Bikes, being more of a kayak, bicycle, and cross-country ski guy myself - but I am fascinated by this Lake Hlabane you visited. Where is it, how did it get named, and what is it like? I can see a little from some of the pictures you've posted.

-Tom Hlaban, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA, where it is currently -10F. (My name is of South Slavic origin.)