Monday, January 15, 2007

Eteza to Kwambo and back

Ready to Ride : Eventually! After getting up at the crack of dawn to try to get in some early action, it was a case of "hurry up and wait", until about 8....
That's 2 700R Raptors, 1 Big Bear 250 and 1 of only 5 privately-owned Wolverine 450's in SA....Yamaha Overload? Eat your heart out!

Connor, going airborne with Jerome's new 700R Raptor SE2; according to T-man, this chap can RIDE!

During a warm-up lap, T tried to take to the air, and this "hop" was the need to alert air traffic control yet :)

Jerome had great fun on the trail, throwing the SE2 into powerslides at every opportunity.

Neville and his Wolf, negotiating Point Roon, with T on his 700R Raptor, looking on, patiently.

We met Connor, of Ride High Yamaha, at the track, and he took the Raptor SE2 for a couple of scorching laps and high-flying jumps.

Heading southwards after completing half the outride loop, we meandered through the forest trails until we connected to Penicuik, and then Kwambonambi. I resisted the temptation to swing by home and show off the Wolverine, and we made our way back to Eteza via a gravel road west of Kwambo.

Neville's Wolverine was a hit with the crew, with it's sporty engine response, and go-anywhere 4x4, it is a great bike!

Jerome's new Raptor 700R SE2 was duly christened, with 2 spills in 2 days; this time he invented the "Push and Dive" technique for quad bikes.

I managed to roll the Hawkeye at Point Roon, again! Without the benefit of the "Push & Dive", I somehow managed to approach the now infamous donga at the wrong angle, and this time got the Hawkeye to sit, upside down, on top of me!
My bruises (body AND ego) bear testament to the sheer weight of a quad bike....

The day was scorching hot (+34 degrees Celcius), and this took it's toll on some....Neville was unable to drive himself to Durban in the evening, having taken insufficient liquid refreshment during the ride, Thaven worked a short day following the ride, and I was sporting a slight limp, from my wrestling match with the Hawkeye.

The day was rounded off with a pleasant braai under the trees at Eteza, with some of the ladies in our lives joining us, in part to celebrate Jerome's birthday, and wedding anniversary -
it's a wise man that schedules his wedding on the same day as his birthday - that way he never forgets his anniversary!!!

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