08H00 marked the gathering of the riders at the "Birdswood Tree". 20x quads and 10bikes set off in two groups. The slower group, lead by Pathfinder took the riders up the 'River Route' while the rest of the faster riders went for a more direct ride through the forest. Once at the RBM intersection the riders headed for the"Bowl" Here, the weeks work frustrations were vented on the banks of the "Bowl". This is an excellent area to test the capabilities of the quads and bikes in the soft sand.
From here on the group headed for Hlabane via the route along the crest of the dune forest. This route is one of the most scenic in the area and is a must for any visitor to the area. Arriving at the Hlabane estuary, the team had a braai and some refreshments before heading home along the same reverse route. Surgio toasted a farewell to Victor and family. Hope to see you back here for a ride soon Victor...
Ariving back home at the "Birdswood Tree", where stories of the ride were shared before the teams split. No incidents for a group of x 30... well done to all.
A comment from The Morgado Family (by email from Victor) :
Thanks for organizing a great ride. Special thanks to Pathfinder, job well done, and you made the ride very scenic. To all that came for the farewell, a very special thanks.
Keep up the spirit, and when any of you want to ride in NC, give us a call. We will be glad to have you around.
Kindest Regards
Morgado family.